Peter Alsted


Peter Alsted Pedersen

Dr Peter Alsted Pedersen was born in 1943 in Uldum, Denmark. He graduated in pharmacy, conducted research and wrote his doctoral thesis on coumarins and terpenoids in plants of the Umbelliferae family at the University of Copenhagen.

For nearly 40 years he worked for Weleda, an international manufacturer of Anthroposophic Medicinal Products (AMPs). At Weleda he held various senior positions in different countries (DE, SE), including 26 years as Head of pharmaceutical Development (DE). His main research interest is the influence of production methods and excipients on the quality of pharmaceutical products.

Since 2011 Dr Pedersen works as an independent Consultant in Copenhagen. He is senior expert of the Manufacturing Methods Working Party of the HAB Commission (HAB: (Homöopathisches Arzneibuch, engl. Homeopathic Pharmacopea, which includes some pharmaceutical procedures used in the manufacturing of certain AMPs) at the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices, in Bonn, Germany and chairman of the APC Committee (Anthroposophic Pharmaceutical Codex).